Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Java cigars are a combined effort from two leaders in the industry.
Introduced in 2004, and released in the 1st quarter of 2005, Java cigars are an exceptionally unique handmade from two of today's hardest working cigar makers: Jonathan Drew of Drew Estate and Rocky Patel. Quite a one-two combo, to say the least, and boy does this cigar pack a punch, not in strength, but in flavor. Java is a subtly sweet Nicaraguan that features a dark, oily maduro wrapper stretched across an aged blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers. While aging, these cigars have been slowly infused with the delicious flavor of gourmet mocha, morphing a traditional Nicaraguan cigar into an incredibly rich cigar that burns smooth from start to finish, leaving an extremely pleasant aroma in its wake.
What's this 'Latte' all about, you ask? The Java Latte employs a silky-smooth Connecticut Ecuador wrapper rather than the standard Connecticut Broadleaf. The result is a mellow and creamy sensation with all that ...
Introduced in 2004, and released in the 1st quarter of 2005, Java cigars are an exceptionally unique handmade from two of today's hardest working cigar makers: Jonathan Drew of Drew Estate and Rocky Patel. Quite a one-two combo, to say the least, and boy does this cigar pack a punch, not in strength, but in flavor. Java is a subtly sweet Nicaraguan that features a dark, oily maduro wrapper stretched across an aged blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers. While aging, these cigars have been slowly infused with the delicious flavor of gourmet mocha, morphing a traditional Nicaraguan cigar into an incredibly rich cigar that burns smooth from start to finish, leaving an extremely pleasant aroma in its wake.
What's this 'Latte' all about, you ask? The Java Latte employs a silky-smooth Connecticut Ecuador wrapper rather than the standard Connecticut Broadleaf. The result is a mellow and creamy sensation with all that ...
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Shape: Toro
Length: 6
Ring: 50
Country: Brazil
Color: Maduro
Leaf: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Drew Estate makes Java